Contact While Wolf Publications
Soft Target: WWP1038 12/11/2019
Gaby has been sleeping with the boss, and when a big promotion is about to be announced, Ildiko fears that she is being cheated out of an opportunity she worked hard for.
Thinking that Gaby got the job, Ildiko decides to put a bullet through Gaby's heart.
In reality, Gaby never applied for the job because of how it would appear and because she knew Ildiko deserved it.
When Ildiko learns the truth she is overcome with guilt and decides that suicide is the only honorable thing she can do.
Just as she is about to pull the trigger, Sophie puts a bullet in Ildiko's sexy belly……a soft target that will allow Ildiko to suffer while she dies.
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The video can be purchased at the Nicheclips store, Sophie's Fantasy Art.
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Sophie's Fantasy Art

White Wolf