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Quick Kills 1-Susanne: WWP1010
This video is offered for only $3.00
The “Quick Kills” are segments of other larger videos, and they include only the kill scenes from selected videos. In this video you will see the lovely actress, Susanne, in scenes from the WWP videos “Pop Star” and “Mistaken Identity”. In the first, she is shot in the navel by Ildiko. In the second, Chrissy sticks a knife in Susanne's belly button and gives it a twist before realizing she is killing the wrong woman. I hope you enjoy the show.
The Red Market is delightfully deadly.
Orsi gets stabbed.
Monica's death stare.
A Preview of this video is available at Mediafire
The video can be purchased at the Nicheclips store, Sophie's Fantasy Art.
More coming soon!
Sophie's Fantasy Art

White Wolf