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Title: Counterfeit Payment 11/30/2020
Britney has purchased some firearms from a dealer named Carlos. Carlos discovers that Britney paid him with counterfeit bills and sends Diane over to Britney's to kill Britney and get his weapons back. Diane confronts Britney and strangles her. Greed is a terrible thing, and Diane calls Carlos and tells him that Britney has been taken care of, but that the guns were already sold. It's a lie of course, and Diane takes the guns home hoping to sell them herself. Carlos is a bit suspicious and checks in on Diane before she can hide the guns. She tries to convince Carlos that she found them after they talked, and that she was getting ready to call him and tell him the good news. Diane realizes that Carlos doesn't believe her, so she uses her body in an attempt to seduce him. She knows what part of her body interests him, but she realizes too late that it's just a target.
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See Britney Strangled and Diane shot.
This video can be purchased at the Nicheclips store, Sophie's Fantasy Art.
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