Contact While Wolf Publications
Title: Assignment for Norrin 12/22/2020
Norrin has discovered that Natalie is skimming from his accounts and sends Orsi to correct the problem. They share some bubbly then Orsi delivers an ultimatum, “Kill yourself or I'll kill your family.” Orsi provides Natalie with a poison, then leaves the room to give her time to decide what she will do. Knowing Orsi can't resist a drink, Natalie puts the poison in Orsi's glass, then chooses suicide by gunshot. Orsi returns happy to see that Natalie is dead and that her own participation in the skinning scheme died with her friend. Orsi then opens Natalie's blouse to reveal her breasts (the other thing Orsi can't resist) and then finishes off her glass of champagne. Orsi then realizes the syringe of poison is empty, but before she realizes what has happened, the poison kicks in.
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