Buck's Phototales
Thrill-Killer's Gallery

Amazon Asylum

Thrill Killer sent me this series of vid caps of Cassandra and her meeting with "South Paw".
I have always been a great fan of Cassandra's - particularly when she performs what I call her "floor exercises".
I won't go far as to claim that no one could arch as enthusiastically as Cassandra but her efforts certainly rated among the best.

Thrill Killer sends a vidcap for about every twitch that the victim makes.
I've selected my favorites and placed them into the flow of the narrative.
But that is not to imply that the others were cast off as "out-takes".
I've included them in a small "gallery" that follows the phototale.
Think of them as a "bonus" from Thrill Killer and your Uncle Buck.

Here at the asylum the Amazons call me the "Doctor".

The crew that works here regularly knows
that my only medical experience occured the summer I turned sixteen
and I spent it working as a nurses' aide at a local hospital.
Nevertheless they all call me "Doc", in an effort to go along with the gag.

But when compared to the medical attention a woman was likely to receive back in Amazonia,
being attended to by Old "Doc" here might not be such a bad thing.

Besides, the only attention I was required to give to any of them
was to press a stethoscope to her chest to ensure that she was indeed dead.

I was assiged to the Execution Area of the Amazon Asylum.
The service rendered by the Executioners was not required as often as you might think.
The Amazon Warriors tended to adapt themselves to the same lines of work that occupied them in Amazonia.
Perhaps the only significant differences were the advances in weapon technology
and the fact that the warriors substituted spandex and vinyl leather for the near-nudity still prevalent back in the "Old Country".
A fact which I found to be regrettable, but there you have it.

But I had no cause for complaint along those lines at the moment.
For the Amazon who was escorted forcefully to the Execution Area today
was as naked as the day she came into the world.
She looked somewhat apprehensive, and I can't say that I blamed her.

The Executioner amused himself in relating the various ways in which the woman could be dispatched.
I know this because I had heard him go through his routine before and it went along these lines:

It is quite likely that impalement, being one of the earlier forms of formal execution was attributed to this man.

Count Vladimir executed so many in this manner that he has become known throughout history as Vlad, the Impaler.
Impalement may or may not have been practiced here at the Asylum at one time.
But if it was, it was well before my time as such brutality seems hardly necessary to anyone of a entirely rational mind.

Count Vlad is credited with giving rise to the Vampire Legend.
It was the first time a vampire bat was believed to assume a human form.
Now where the legend arose that a vampire could be terminated with a stake driven through its heart, I know not.
But even today, a woman may opt to be executed in this manner, although I hardly think that she would.

At one time not too long ago, the woman would have been hanged summarily and unceremoniously.
This was no longer an option because a lynching party had appropriated the rope from the Execution Area one afternoon
and thus far no one has seen fit to either return or replace it.

Today's victim could be garroted if she chose that particular mode of execution.
But the Executioner was never in favor of garotting as he could not see the result of his handiwork to his satisfaction.
I wondered that he or someone didn't think to provide him with a mirror, but I thought it best to keep my mouth closed.

The woman listened to the lecture attentively and wanted to know what other ways and means were available.
Personally I thought that her interest in the proceedings was feigned and that she was just stalling for time.

In light of the fact that she was an Amazon Warrior,
an arrow through the breast would be a fitting means to an end.

At this point she knew that she was running low on options.
An electric chair was not worth considering.
Here at the Amazon Asylum we don't enjoy the convenience of electricity.

A gas chamber was out of the question for the rooms in the building all leaked like the proverbial sieve.
Suffocation by bagging was feasible and worth considering as a future possibility.
But not today.
No one had that much plastic at hand and so it would take some coordination and cooperation to locate enough to accomplish the job.

A gun and a bullet in the navel was always an option, of course.
But then, there arose the question of who was to pay for the ammuniion.

The Amazon had become intrigued by this exposition and the Executioner encouraged her to step closer to him.

And as she did, she was suddenly surprized to find his hand pressed against her belly ...

And to her dismay, there was what appeared to be his fist and the handle of a knife protruding from somewhere deep within her navel!

At first it was evident that she was certain that she had been stabbed.
And it took some coaxing and pleading on the part of the Executioner to convince her otherwise.

When all was said and done, the Executioner agreed that an Amazon Warrior should be granted the respect that was her due.

And so she was given the priviledge to take up a sword and to die in combat.

The Amazon may have thought that this was her Golden Opportunity!

And indeed, in some instances perhaps it may well have been except for two things ...

One was that the Executioner was no mean hand at handling a bronze blade himself.

The Amazon was to discover that much for herself after their initial confrontation.

The second element that played a crucial role in determining the outcome of this contest ...

Was that no one - and that includes the girls that are to become Amazon Warriors ...

No one is born knowing how best to handle a sword of any description ...

Any individual has to be taught and it involves many hours of training and constant practice ...

Even so there are always going to be one who is superior to another ...

It is, after all, why there are winners and losers in nearly any contest.

Now it has been accepted as fact that every Amazon knows how to handle a sword ...

But as I witness the Executioner's heavy blade gain entrance to the woman's navel ...

And was diligent in my observation of her reaction to the intrusion ...

That I came to realize that perhaps not every one of these young females
was of necessity an expert swordsman in this latter day and age.

As it is with all of us here in the shall we say? A more civilized world ...

The Amazon warriors had gradually acquired more specialized skills ...

Of course there were still those who chose to live and die by the sword ...

But in addition to those that handled sword or spear, theere were archers and the fletchers that served them ...

And, as with any sizeable army, there must be a quartermaster corps in support of the fighting force.

And as I watched as the Executioner slowly worked his weapon around in the belly of his victim ...

I couldn't help but think that some of them were perhaps not quite as adept as they might have been.

Whatever the case may be ...

This youngster had no right to complain ...

For she had been given her opportunity, however chancey it may have been ...

To fight her way to freedom!

Or at least I presume that was what she had been promised ...

Now were it left to me, right at this point I would be inclined to thrust that heavy blade immediately beneath her sternum ...

Inserted ant the proper angle, it would serve to crush a lung and perhaps obliterate the right ventricle of her heart ...

This, of course would serve to put the unfortunate soul out of her misery ...

But I will refrain from making the suggestion ...

Nor will I raise my voice in futile protest ...

For as I said earlier, I have witnessed any number of the executions that are carried out here ...

And while the Executioner seldom resorts to the techniques of out and out torture ...

It has become readily apparent to me ...

That the arching body coupled with the heaving bosom of his female victims ...

Provides the Executioner with what I can only think of as a certain Entertainment Value ...

Now you might suppose that a man my age would be quite beyond all that sort of thing...

But in truth, as long as a man has his health, his outlook on life doesn't change to any great degree.

And so now as I sit here watching the Executioner's latest victim in her death throes ...

I know that her arching body is doing its utmost to alleviate the searing pain that is wracking her ...

At the same time I cannot help but feel that somehow the woman is offering herself to us ...

And to me in particular!

A younger man is quite apt to be more demanding than I am at this point ...

I'm quite certain that he would be for I can well remember that at one time I was myself ...

But that was long ago and so now I would content myself with the opportunity to pluck her nipples ...

Not hard enough to do any damage, now mind you!
Just ... But - Ah well ...

I see that the time has come to press my stethoscope to her breast and make my declaration ...
And mayhap I may surrepititiously fondle her a bit when no one is looking?
Ah, but it is so much more pleasurable when they are alive and responsive!

The following gallery is not composed of "outtakes" but "extras". Thrill Killer does not "skimp" when he is making vidcaps.
I made use of the ones I thought best fit the situation, but 't'would be a shame to waste the others, so here they are!
Click on an image for the original version of the picture - then use the "back" button to return to this Gallery page.