"Hitwomens Fate"
Custom production:
Gaby would walk into a bathroom and disrobe and get ready to take a shower.
She would get down to her panties. She hears a noise.
Gabrielle would rush in with the knife. and stab her beneath her solar plexus.
Gaby would have a look of shock.
She would close her eyes and drop her mouth open and begin to moan.
Gabrielle would remove the knife and Gaby would start to gurgle and vomit blood,
all the while breathing as though she is chocking losing her breath.
Gabrielle would then remove the knife, causing a lot of blood to come out of her mouth.
Gaby now falls to her knees in pain, with a look of disbelief with her hand covering the would.
At this point, Gabrielle would turn and leave thinking she is victorious.
Gaby would reach for a gun and shoot Gabrielle in the back with the bullet going out the other side.
I would like the wound to be beneath the solar plexus, a little bit more to the left, close to the ribcage.
I want Gabrielle to arc her body and firs throw her arms in the air above her, with a look of disbelief.
Then, bring her hands to cover the wound that now had blood coming out.
All, the while moaning and gasping for air.
I want her mouth to epn wide and have her then squint her eyes, as the pain is unbearable.
