Amazon Message Archive
Three Queens - Part 2
Hey folks!
Here´s the sequel to the "THREE QUEENS"-story!
What happened so far:
In Part 1 Raven tried to overthrow her queen (Leandra) and asked the other 2 queens of amazonia to support her plans.
But they refused, and so Raven killed them.
Within the bloodbath, Leandra shows up and smells the chance to grab the throne of Amazonia for herself!
She kills the traiterous Raven and walks away...
The last living queen in amazonia...
This is where PART 2 starts:
Leandra considers herself to be the legal queen of all 3 realms now, but she´s clever enough to know that not anyone will agree to this point of view.
So she takes some warriors and goes to the temple of the high-priestess of Delphi to demand her support and to legitimate her claim for the throne.
Well... seemingly there wasn´t yet enough blood being spilled...
Producer: AMAZON-WARRIORS Time: 08:11 Full HD NOV 2015
Keywords: amazons, topless, sword, impalement, belly, navel, bare feet, oil, finishing
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