Buck's Phototales


Millican's Marauders

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"Do you really think that Savannah is here, Candle?"

"Yeah! This place is kind of a dried up hole, isn't it?
It doesn't seem like the kind of place a fancy lady like Savannah would hole up!"

"I've got it on good authority that she's here, ladies!"

"As if skipping out on us wasn't bad enough ... Savannah made off with the cash from last job we pulled!
And if there's one thing we all take seriously around here - it's money!"

"Now are you ladies straight on who's doing what to whom?
Savannah ain't apt to be alone, y'know!"

"But if she's up to her old tricks, we know exactly where to find her!"

"In a bedroom, no doubt!"

"All right now! This is serious business!
So from now on out let's keep a stiff upper lip!"

"I'll hang back a bit to make sure that no one gets at you from behind!"

And so the die was cast as the trio of Millican's Marauders advanced through the woodland that surrounded the played out gold town of Whiskey Gulch.

"So it's agreed then, Tessa? You'll take Savannah?"


That leaves it up to me to take care of whoever else may be around there!

The place seems deserted ... But ... Uh-oh! There she is!

I've never known Savannah to be alone anywhere! She always keeps a guard posted!

And to her credit, Savannah's lookout was right on the job ... She even got off the first shot ... Trouble is - she missed!

Well honey ... You've taken your best shot ... So now I'll give you one of mine!

Unfortunately for the sentry, Felicity's return fire was right on target ...

The slug struck the woman at the base of her throat ...

Which knocked her down and quickly put her out of commission ...

On a permanent basis.

Those shots were bound to attract someone's attention!
I hope that Tessa has a chance to nail Savannah before all hell breaks loose!
Well - Savannah's not my worry!
I'd better make tracks out of here!

"I thought I heard gunfire just now, Jake!"

"I did too, Sheriff ...
Pro'bly just some of the boys feelin' their oats!
It's Pay Day, you know!"

"Yeah ... So it is! I forgot about that ...
No sense in jumping to conclusions now is there?"

And while Felicity was taking out the guard, Tessa had just as quickly gotten the drop on Savannah ...

"Gimme the dough you grabbed when you took off on us, Savannah!
And be quick about it!
I just heard gun shots and I gotta move fast!"

Are you kidding, Tess?
Do you think for a minute that I'd be working here if I'd gotten my hands on any cash that amounted to anything?"

"I got no time for any nonsense from you, Savannah!
I'll just hafta have a look around here for myself!"

And Tess promptly pumped a round into the woman's bare breast!

Savannah grunted and clapped her hands to her chest as a second slug punched into her ...

She grimaced in agony as she toppled back onto her bed ...

Tess stood there as though she were momentarily transfixed by the spectacle the dying Savannah was presenting ...

She couldn't help but wonder whether Savannah could take another slug or two ...
But then she saw that it really wasn't necessary.

Now where the heck could Savannah have stashed her cash?
There really aren't that many places to hide stuff in this room ...

Ha! Here it is! I got it!
She sure won't be needing any of this any more!

Meanwhile ... Over at the Last Chance Saloon, a cowboy came running for the sheriff ...

Didn't you hear the gun fire?
(Pant- Wheeze)"

I shorely did, Zeke!
Must be some of the boys celebratin' - don't cha think?"

"Celebratin' My Eye!
Savannah's body guard is layin' in a pool of blood over on their front porch!
An' Lord Only Knows what else has happened while we're standin' here beatin' our gums!"

"It's Millican's Marauders!
That's who it is - sure enough!"

"Aw now Zeke, just take a minute to catch your breath and don't go gettin' yourself in an uproar over nothin'!
Millican's Marauders is nothin' more than a Suburban Legend one of you guys came up with!"

"But if I'm right then Savannah could be layin' over there with her teats shot off!
She was one of that gang at one time!
Did you ever think of that?"

"By Glory! There could be something in what you say at that, Zeke!
Grab your shootin' irons boys and let's go have a look-see at what's been going on around here!"

Zeke could move faster than either of the other two men ...

And so it was he who drew fire from Felicity's rifle ...

But Zeke zigged and zagged so much that he proved to be no easy target ...
So she missed him.
Felicity broke cover - seeking a better angle on her target ...

But in so doing she inadvertently presented herself as an easy target for the sheriff ...

The bullet stopped Felicity in her tracks ...
And she stood straight up and as she clapped a hand to her breast ...
She looked all the world like she was in a motion picture and someone had paused the frame.

The sheriff considered giving her another round ...

Hell ... It ain't necessary ...
Now drop that gun, young lady!
Just let it fall ...

Then her knees gave way under her ...

And Felicity was the first of Millican's Marauders to go down.

If the truth were told, Felicity could likely have done with another bullet or two ...

But they didn't call the sheriff Ol' Single Shot for nothing ...

That was behind his back of course ...
But he'd be damned if he was gonna break his record ...
When all he had to do was wait her out!

Candle Millican, the Boss of her outfit thought she was safely out of harm's way -
in that she had sent her crew out to take care of business while she took up a position as their rear guard.

But ... By the Gods! That's neither Felicity nor Tessa out there comin' for me!

And Candle proceeded to blaze away ...

And for a few minutes there was more lead buzzing around ...

Than there would have been were this one of those Mexican Shootouts!

But then, Candle was horrified as her gun clicked ...

And it was then that Ol' Sheriff Single Shot lived up to his name once again ...

And placed a well-aimed shot dead center ...

Somewhere just beneath Candle's breast-bone ...

The bullet's impact knocked the girl for a loop ...

And for second time that day, a bullet from the sheriff's gun failed to immediately kill his intended target ...

Don't know what seems t'be ailin' me today!

I must be off my feed or somethin'!

Tessa had made her way safely back to the woods and now she was cautiously looking around for her partners ...

By the time Tessa discovered her body, the leader of Millican's Marauders was well beyond any assitance that anyone could offer.

Tessa had been an ardent protoge of The Boss Lady and it must have struck her as indecent to find her sprawled and unattended as she was.
So Tessa removed her shirt in a futile attempt to cover as much of her friend's corpse as she could.

What she was thinking no one will ever know ...
But then, who is ever entirely rational in times of distress?

For Tessa mounted what can only be called a fool-hardy single-woman head-long attack on the men who had shot her friends down ...

There is some question as to who it was who fired the first shot that struck Tessa ...
But my own theory is that it was Jake ...

Jake's bullet struck Tessa and plunged deep into the inner quadrant of her left breast ...
For all intents and purposes, the girl's Amazonic Charge ceased and she was dead on her feet ...

Had she intended to commit suicide, Tessa could not have picked a more willing group of fellows to oblige her ...

The sheriff made his contribution to her massacre by putting a slug into the area of her slender belly ...

Zeke knew that he was going to have to work fast if he wanted to be be in on the slaughter because Tessa was visibly weakening ...

His round struck the girl to the left and somewhat above the wound that the sheriff had dealt her ...

Not wanting to be left out of the fray, Horace fired his rifle from the porch of the Last Chance Saloon ...

The slug hit her high in the chest - which served to stand her upright as Tessa had been threatening to topple forward ...

He found that he had the range now, so Horace gave the girl another round ...

At this point it could only have been grim determination that kept Tessa on her feet ...

Being the nearest, Jake fired once again ...

Whether or not his bullet hit her was hard to tell ... It was all happening so fast!

Dammit! Will ya die or won't ya?
I had an appointment with Savannah later this evening!

The gun had fallen from her grasp and her arms were spread wide
as though Tessa had been welcoming their bullets as she sank to her knees ...

"I think she's taken about all that she can guys!"

"Yeah! But she's still alive!"

"Maybe so ... But one more will settle it!"

And with that, Tessa finally collapsed to the ground ...

"M'God in Heaven! What a tough little broad!"

"Yeah! Who'd a'thunk it ta look at her?"

"And what on earth possessed her t'do such a fool thing?"

"Well fellas, it's gonna be up to us to clean things up around here!
Jake? You seemed to have it in for this last one for some reason ...
Why don't you take care of her while Zeke and I fetch the others ..."

"Which one of 'em is this, sheriff?"

"I reckon that this's the one called Felicity ..."

"Let's have a look at what we've got here! Shall we?"

"Don't see why not ... Felicity ain't gonna raise any objection!"

"Right in the nipple!"

"That's some shootin', sheriff!"

"Yeah ... Maybe ... But I was aimin' to hit her in the brisket!"

"I guess we'd best get her back to town!
Which end do you wanna take?"

"Heave Ho! And away we go!"

"Well by process of elimination, we know that this one has gotta be the boss of her outfit!"

"Yes ... Indeed she was!"

"This here is none other than Candle Millican, herself!"

"Leave us have a look at what she's got! What do you say?"

"We may as well be consistent! I mean ... After all ..."

"Sheriff! Are you still using them carn-sarned hollow-points?
I'm surprized at you!
And just look at the mess they make!"

"Zeke! I gotta beg off dragging this one to town ...
My back is killing me!"

"That's all right, sheriff!
I kin handle this one alone ...
I'll just have to lug her back!"

Seems kinda too bad in a way ...
But the onliest time I can handle a girl like this is when she's dead!

Ya can't live with 'em!
But life sure ain't worth a damn without 'em!