After perusing (and drooling over) countless pictures over the years,
I've come to the conclusion that what I'd like to see more incorporated
into this fetish-fantasy of ours is the "Arching Female".
Irregardless of how she comes to her bad end, whether she be shot, stabbed,
or garroted, a "classic arch" is what displays her body to its best advantage.
And isn't that what this is really all about?
It is to my own way of thinking.
These images were found on the internet at one time or another.
Unfortunately, few of them were extracted from our "community"
because it isn't often that I've found "our" models "preening" this way.
If there is a photo manipulation artist among you who would like to "improve"
on any of these photos be my guest and please let me know of the result of your efforts.
They will be posted here along with either a link or a text credit as you prefer.