Amazon Titans
Written by Uncle Buck
Pictures Courtesy of
I'm crediting Peter Cohen's Catharsis site for these pictures.
They likely originally appeared on one of the Necrobabe sites that are of course no longer on display.
I believe I read that Peter is no longer producing any new material,
but he has a rather extensive library so I guess he can get along on the "residual" revenue.
While you're here check out the SpookyCash Gallery
"Whoa! Now THERE are a pair of what I call Amazons!"

"Looks to be more like Two Pair from what I can see!"

"Four of a Kind Beats Two Pair!"

"All Right Now! Enough of this Nonsense!"

"Uh - What sort of nonsense do you suppose 'e would like?"

"C'mon now, Gentlemen! Place your bets!"

"Gosh! Do I hafta?"

"What do you mean - 'Do I hafta?' Don't you want to place
a wager?"

"Well - All I meant was that I'd sorta hate to see either one of these
two lose!"


"Y'want me, Boss?"

"Yeah, Joe!
T'row this guy outa here!"

"No sooner said than done, Boss!"

"There! That's much better!
Now then ... Where was I?
Place your bets Gentlemen! Place your bets!"

"Haven't I seen one or another of these warriors somewhere before?"

"The way the women have been dropping around here lately? I don't see how

"Oh? And how's that? Isn't there usually just one winner?"

"You ain't been here lately, have ya?"

"I've been away on business!"

"Business ... Yeah!
Well that might be why y'mighta seen one of
'em before!
Somewhere else - maybe?"

"So what's new and different around here recently?"

"The Crowd wants t'see more Breasts 'n' Blood!"
"What's new and different about that?"
"Nothin'! Except that in order t'do it the Promoter is throwin' the
best Fighters he can find our way ..."
"So much the better, I'd expect!"
"Yeah! An' that bein' the case ... It's now not outta the ordinary
t'see bot' of 'em get kilt!"
"Two Killings for the Price of One!"
"Yeah! An' look! We all but had one of 'em just now!"
"That was only a wake-up call!
Is that what that fellow
was complaining about?"
"The guy who Ol' Joe just tossed outta here?
I don't know about him!
He don't like t'see the women get hurt!
He ain't quite right in the head
- if y'know what I mean?"
"Well ... I can see how you might miss out on one thing!"
"Oh yeah? What's 'at?"
"The Preening!"
"With no clear-cut victor you're apt to miss ..."
"Oh! I know!
You mean when the winner gets t'put her foot in the dyin' ones
while she stands there stickin' out 'er own chest?"
"Something to that effect ... Yes!"
"Well ... I gotta admit ... We ain't seen none 'a that lately!"
"There! You see? I thought not!"
"But what we do see amounts t'bout the same thing!
Look out
She's all but dead on 'er feet right now what with that poke in 'er belly!
le'see now!
Y'see - sooner 'er later one or another of 'em is gonna slip
up ..."
"You mean like that babe up there just did?"
But now watch!
Either the other one will get tired or somethin'
distracts 'er attention!"
"Looks to me like she's paying attention to business right now!"
"Yeah! Right now ... Yeah!
But if she drops her guard ...
My money
says that she ain't gonna get away with it cuz she ain't fightin' no chump!
"No! I can see that there's plenty of fight in that woman
"Yeah ... Well ... So ... Like I was sayin' ..."
"Sooner 'er later one of 'em was gonna take a fair amount of a blade
in 'er gut!"
"An' now that its happened ...
If the other one would only wade
right in an' finish the job ...
Well ... Then we'd have a Winner! Y'see?"
"But that doesn't happen?
Y'mean t'say that the blonde
Warrior will fail to follow up on what is her clear advantage?"
"That's what I said - I guess! But - no! She won't!"
"Instead she'll monkey around!"
"She'll Lord it over her dyin' victim ..."
"Sayin' cute little things like, 'Oh! Does that hurt much?' An' stuff
like that there!"
"And all the while the warrior who's down ..."
"Will rest up an' bide her time ..."
"Slowly mustering her remaining resources ..."
"Until she finds the strength to give it one last shot!"
"And the would-be winner finds that she's rewarded with a fair length
of her victim's blade thrust through her own breast!?"
"You got it!"
"No! Fortunately!"
"But from the looks of things ..."
"I'd have to say that the Bountiful Blonde certainly did!"
"There's flesh enough there t'take it, Lord Knows!"
"But that certainly was no flesh-wound she suffered!"
"Now this is apt to leave us with a problem ..."
"Oh? What's 'at?"
"With no clear-cut winner ..."
"How does the Promoter pay out on the wagers that have been placed?"
"Look at that will ya?"
"The blonde just drove 'er blade intuh the other babe's belly!"
"Yes! And for a Second Time, no less!"
"She's tryin' t'finish what she should 'a done before!
Back when she had the chance t'do it right!"
"Yes! And from the way she just went down - it was for the last time
if I'm any judge!"
"I think the blonde is still trying to get up!"
"Yeah! The other one is lingerin' with the blade in 'er
"But I guess that we can relax ... "
"Yeah ... But why do that?"
"Because neither one of those two is going to do anything more!"
"Nothin' but lay there an' die!"
"That's for sure!"
"Yeah ... Anyhow ... Like I was sayin' before ..."
"At first the Fight Promoter had problems with both broads gettin'
iced that way!"
"So? What did he do?"
"Well, let's see now ... He changed the name of the bouts for one thing!
What we seen here was a Titan Match!"
"Oh? And what did he hope to accomplish in that?"
"An' in a Titan bout we don't pick no winner cuz there
ain't gonna be one!"
"Then on what do you place your wagers? First Blood?"
"No Suh! We bet on who's gonna be the last one t'die!"
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