I am called Pariah.
You may call me that too if it suits you.
It matters not to me for at this juncture, I have grown quite used to it.
I was not always an outcast.
I too was once a Warrior of the Amazons.
Not such a very great one perhaps.
A warrior that lives in song and legend has a definite tendency to expire flat on her back
in some lonely field with a sword thrust between her ribs or with arrows bristling from her once proud bosom.
I, on the other hand, have survived and fully intend to keep doing so.
I, therefore have and always will be somewhat lacking in greatness.
I sustained a wound in battle.
It was perhaps not so grevious an injury that it was in any way life threatening,
but it did lame me in one of my legs.
Had I been an overly proud individual,
I should have insisted that someone end my life then and there -
rather than allow myself to live out whatever days I have remaining crippled as I became.
The Clan can in no way support any woman who can not provide a service at some level.
So when I recovered sufficiently, I could have insisted upon returning to the ranks of the Warriors
where it was obvious that I would be cut down almost immediately.
Instead, I insisted on no such thing.
And so it has become my lot in life to be a Gleaner,
the function and purpose of which is to dispatch the warriors felled in battle
and to retrieve any articles that may be deemed of value to the clan.
As such, a Gleaner is not generally highly regarded by the other warriors of the clan
and it is thus that I found myself arrived at this less than desirable station in life.
But I was not to be the only bystander this day,
for I saw that the Clan Historian was busily engaged in sketching pictures
of the battle as it took shape before us.
I stood and watched, biding my time,
waiting patiently as the archers launched the initial assault
on a group of warriors moving forward to attack our position.
Of particular interest to me was a fine looking dark-haired warrior
who I could see clutching desperately at a shaft that she had taken through the belly ...
It was while the Dark Haired one was involved with her arrow that I first took notice of the red haired warrior.
Rather an unusual hue ... dyed with the juice of cranberries, I supposed.
As often as I have heard it, there remains a sound no more sinister than that of a shaft as it hisses through the air ...
nor when it ceases with the solid thunk that it makes as it punches into a warrior's breast or belly!
The Cranberry Haired warrior soon went down as did many others, but I failed to see the shaft that took her.
So I made a mental note to watch for her later in case she were still alive.
One can never be too careful when plying the Gleaner's trade!
I returned my gaze to the Dark Haired warrior who was now down on the ground,
but from the manner it which she writhed about,
I could see that there was much life in her yet.
I only hoped that she could last until such time as I had the opportunity to administer to her!
As the opposing forces drew ever closer to one another,
the skirmish devolved into a series of hand to hand contests.
I do not find it amusing, so please do not take me amiss,
but I am often entertained by the looks of unqualified astonishment
that may pass over a warrior's face
as she is impaled by a heavy blade as it is thrust into the navel and through her belly!
Nor does her sister in arms appear any the less surprized as a spear is buried at some length in her gut!
Do these youngsters think that they are somehow immune?
And that something has made them impervious to the pangs of suffering and death?
Another fine warrior ...
And one of our own I believe?
Takes a blade to her very breast!
There would be no life left in her when I reached her, that was certain!
But the leather harness she wears will certainly be of value and well worth claiming!
It strikes me that a broadsword somehow assumes the aspects of an emblem ...
A symbol of some kind if you will ...
As it stands protruding from the body of a fallen warrior.
Up until a moment ago, the great Golden Warrior of the Gianz Clan
seemed to be invicible as she hewed her way through the ranks of her opponents.
How then could this great Gianz warrior know
that it would be one of her own vanquished victims
that though caught in the throes of death herself,
would summon the strength to thrust a blade into her killer's womanhood?
I winced in empathy to the agony the Gianz warrior must be suffering.
But when at last she fell,
I was grateful to her killer that she had left me a completely unblemished belly and bosom
in which to bury the blade of a knife of my own!
The second of the two Gianz warriors was felled by a blow delivered from the rear.
Before she could regain her feet,
a swift braodsword was driven through her belly,
and one again I found myself taken at the sight of her eyes as they bulged from their sockets!
I was pleased to see that our Queen acquitted herself well by thrusting her heavy blade
into the gut of one of the more angelic looking Blonde Haired invaders!
I have ever felt that I owe my life to our Queen who granted me the option of joining
our group of Gleaners rather than to be callously butchered by one of them.
As my Queen withdrew her sword, I watched the Blonde Haired warrior fall and was careful to note where she went down.
Perhaps here I would find more unblemished breasts to fondle and nipples to pluck ...
Ere I thrust my knife into her!
Well now! Here was a fascinating turn of events!
One of the attacking warriors had spotted our Clan Historian as she was busily engaged in recording this battle for posterity.
I rather expected that the Historian would prove to be no match for her adversary,
but to my wonder, the scholar dropped her quill, picked up a spear and delivered a thrust
powerful enough to take the over confident warrior beneath her left breast!
The warrior went down grasping at the spear that was to be the death of her.
I still think that the shocked expression on her features was due to the fact
that she had anticipated an easy kill and was now the one dying instead!
She rolled and thrashed about - instinctively trying to pull the spear from her chest,
knowing full well that it would certainly kill her all the sooner should she succeed!
The warrior did not want to die there alone,
but of course I could have assured her that everyone dies alone.
I relieved her of the burden of the spear in her chest,
eased the youngster to the ground and rose to hand the weapon
back to our Historian who nodded to me in curt dismissal.
I turned my attention back to the young warrior,
but she had passed on to her reward needing no further assistance from me.
I backed away from the action to resume my vigilance at my assigned post.
But it occurs to me now that while I was there,
I forgot to take the band she wore about her throat!
I shall have to remember to go back for it later!
Back at my post, I saw that our Queen was dispatching yet another of the Blonde Haired Vixens who had dared to invade our land!
But you can imagine my horror when I saw my Queen turn to face an attack from one of the Gianz warriors
who raised her great spear and delivered a powerful thrust through the very center of my Queen's full breast!
The thrust was to the right breast and so did not strike the heart,
but so powerful was the stroke that it plunged clear through my Queen's noble bosom, impaling her thoroughly.
It seemed that she cast a beseeching glance in my direction as she went down ...
But it all happened so quickly that hobbled as I am,
there was little that I could do save watch the tragedy unfold.
And so my Queen and Savior convulsed in her death agony as I stood rooted in horror!
I can only suppose that our Queen died as she would have chosen.
But who am I to utter such pious plattitudes?
I, who have gone to such lengths to avoid a noble death!
Despite the loss of our Queen our warriors eventually carried the day,
and so it was my time to swing into action in the performance of my duties.
You must realize that every item that an Amazon may possess is made by hand
and whether the craftsmanship be expert or somewhat wanting, all have and retain a certain value.
Weapons are of course of primary concern.
Blades and arrows are pulled from each corpse and the body is divested of every vestige of clothing.
As a Gleaner, one always runs the risk of being killed or wounded
by a dying warrior who in most instances remains defiant till the end.
This being the case, I make it a rule to thoroughly stab each warrior who I minister to.
I follow no set pattern, but as a general rule I attempt to stab each woman in her navel and breasts
with a final blow thrust into her chest immediately below the sternum.
I am the first to realize that it is by no means a matter of necessity to knife them so thoroughly
and my technique to some may seem excessive.
But I do so thoroughly enjoy the feel of the knife as its blade plunges
into the inert form of another female that I may perhaps be granted some excuse for my behavior?
If not, then - well - no matter!
The first girl to receive my attention was dead by no means and I tend to deal with the wounded first
so that I need not grow an extra pair of eyes behind my head!
Our accursed Historian Artist is squeamish - although she will deny the charge to her death and beyond!
For that reason, I am able to provide only representations of the warriors
before I attended to them with my knife!
A pity! Really!
And as I had suspected, Cranberry Hair had not been killed in the initial slaughter.
She was holding her ribs as though she had sustained a kick,
but she still had strength enough to hurl a well-directed knife
into the broad back of the Gianz warrior who had butchered our Queen!
Perhaps I should be inclined to spare her life after all?
And now there was Cranberry Hair again!
Thrusting a sword betwixt the ribs of the Gianz Queen
who had been felled along with the others of her clan!
Was Cranberry Hair another Gleaner?
If she was, by Hecate, I was going to put a shaft into her chest right here and now!
If there is one thing I will not abide it is any unwarranted competition!
But no ... now she seemed to be collapsing!
Perhaps her wounds were more severe than I had at first supposed?
It will behoove me to keep my wits about me this day, but then, it always does!
Cranberry Hair toppled gracefully out of the way,
and there directly in my line of vision lay the majestic body
of the Gianz Queen with the well-placed sword protruding from between her ribs!
And further away in the background lay the as yet unsullied corpse of the Dark Haired warrior
that I had admired from the very beginning of this affair!
I could see even at a distance that she still clung to her arrow.
Now I ask you, can there be a sight that stirs one's loins any more than this?
I strode directly to where the Dark Haired warrior lay waiting for me.
I gazed at her in frank admiration, then back at the Gianz Queen as she lay sprawled in death.
Is it any wonder that so often an Amazon will stand her ground to be cut down with wounds
sustained to the front of her body rather than to be taken from behind?
Not only does in serve to prove her valor in the very face of death,
but how better to display the breadth and girth of the bosoms of which we are all so proud?
I knelt to roll one of the women onto her back the better to inspect her and take stock of her possessions.
One of the Blonde Haired warriors our Queen had dispatched lay behind me.
I would likely forego the blade thrust to her belly as our Queen had seen to that earlier before meeting her own untimely end.
But there were those piquant breasts to fondle and stab!
And then the blade delivered to the middle of her chest!
Ah! But I mustn't dwell on such things!
I must keep my wits about me!
I approached Cranberry Hair as she lay fallen beside the still form of the Gianz Queen.
She had joined her warriors in their incursion and attack on our land and had found only death awaiting her.
Did I not allude to the opinion earlier that all truly Great Warriors end their lives
stretched out upon their backs with a blade protruding from their chests?
Still, our own Queen had been lost as well, and that did not bode well for our future either, my own in particular.
Seized with a sudden rage and passion born of my fear of my own uncertain future,
I jerked the sword from the Queen's body
and proceeded to bury my knife deep in the woman's now senseless bosom.
I was temporarily sated in my lust for blood so I left Cranberry Hair's body undisturbed.
If she was playing possum, she was making a fine job of it.
I stood in silent admiration of the Gianz Queen for a moment feeling just a trifle foolish for having savaged her lifeless body.
Then I shrugged and turned my attentions to other more pressing matters.
I had pulled the blade from the ribs of the Gianz Queen then mutilated her totally unneccessarily
and yet the dead warrior's chest still managed to appear to swell up at be brazenly when I looked back at her.
My imagination may well have been playing me false by this time!
I had turned my back upon the Gianz Queen and the warrior who had slain her,
eager to turn my attention to the Dark Haired beauty who lay stretched before me.
Almost idly. I fitted an arrow to the string of a bow I had picked up from the ground,
when I heard the sound of footsteps in the grass coming quietly from behind!
Had Cranberry Hair regained her senses and decided that the time was right to launch her attack upon me?!
I whirled about as quickly as my weakened leg would allow, my bow at the ready!
Cranberry Hair?
But no!
It was only some unarmed fool of a woman!
Likely another Gleaner like myself coming to steal what she could!
Robbing my dead!
Why the very idea!
I was keyed up witnessing the battle,
my old warrior's blood was still running hot and high from having stabbed the dead Queen!
And I was alone on the world, and yes, not a little frightened,
though I am loathe to admit it,
and on top of it all,
I was irate and so wanted to kill someone!
I loosed my shaft which flew and struck the woman low in the belly!
Mine was not a killing shot but it would serve eventually!
I watched as the woman stood struggling with her arrow.
Then she sank to her knees and I hastened my way to her as quickly as my lame leg would permit.
Steal from me, will you, thou Bitch!
I seized her by the hair and pulled to hold her on her knees!
Were you to fall forward now, you would break my arrow and add insult to injury!
She gazed up at me in pleading and then what must have been resignation on her face,
for seeing the wild look in my eye and the knife in my hand,
almost placidly she allowed herself to be butchered.
Stroke upon stroke I delivered to her heaving bosom!
Her blood spurted and I allowed her lifeless body to topple back.
I stood panting in exertion and excitement.
I had been a Gleaner for so long now that I had very nearly forgotten
the thrill of seathing one's blade in the body of a living warrior!
As I composed myself again, I felt justified -
for I had given her little to complain about in that she had died a warrior's death after all!
And now at last I was free to turn my undivided attention to this Dark Haired beauty before me!
Note the depth of her chest!
The swell of the breasts!
The residual turgidity of the nipples!
Oh! But where to begin!

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