After a prolonged absense, Solstice has resumed his work in the realm of the Fighting Amazons in the Fantasy Confrontations depicted in AmFight. He is working with the people of Sophie's Fantasy Art and I was fortunate enough to come across his first promotion on the Dead Skirts message board. That might have passed "quietly" enough except that who did he have acting in his first new AmFight opus but Natalie! And since I have a soft spot in my head for that particular woman, I jumped all over the opportunity to add AmFight to my list of producers.
The source for this Search Function is Uncle Buck's entire site as its frame of reference ...
So please enter the name of a specific model/actress as viewed here from AmFight.
T.S. Solstice has a library containing the body of work that he presented in the days of the "membership sites".
And it may be that access to them will make their way to this index along with whatever in the way of new offerings are produced.
The images displayed here have been "cut" from the collages that are on the GumRoad site.
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